Rest is a Weapon.

Me. Today. Time to Rest now. Rest is a Weapon. Grateful to my clients and my students for the privilege to travel with them on this blessed journey. Tears. Laughter. Breath. Joy. Life by Design. Earthy Eroticism. Inspiration. Aspiration. Frequency. Vibration. Stillness. Quantum. Compassionate Assertiveness. Influence. Transformation. Activation. Orgasms. Interrogation. Design. Intune. Attune. Spirit. Heart. Well Being. Expansion. Elevation. Truth. Soul. Badass Manifesting. Love. Desire. Decisions. Energy. Friendship. Mother Earth. Father Sun. Shaman. Accelerator. Evolve. Spiritual Entrepreneur. WAYSHOWER. CREATION. POWER. My Gratitude is Deep. You know who you are. I Love You. #BadassByDesign #thewaypfthespiritualentrepreneur

More Inspiration

What Does it Mean to be Expansive?
What Does it Mean to be Expansive?
The easiest way to understand what being ‘expansive’ means is to think about what the opposite looks like, feels like…restricted, constricted, limited. Watch today’s video to learn more about Soul Setting …read more
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She is the type of woman you go to war beside, not against.
She is the type of woman you go to war beside, not against.
She’s a badass crazy with a kind heart full of love. She is soft and strong and has boundaries like a motherfucker. She speaks her truth and is unapologetic. She knows her worth. She …read more
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Evolve Anyway
Evolve Anyway
As you Evolve you will make a lot of people uncomfortable. Evolve anyway. Follow your Intuition, your Spirit and your Soul. You see, people can only meet you at the depths that they …read more
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The Secret To Living Is Giving
The Secret To Living Is Giving

One of the greatest joys that I experience with my Spiritual Entrepreneur Roundtables is the invitation for my guests to not only come to learn from me, but also learn from each other. The Secret to Living is Giving, and boy, did the Spiritual Entrepreneurs at Tuesday’s Roundtable give A LOT!

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